2018-03-19 리서치 콜로키움 최종 포스터 0319 공유하기 Like 다른 소식 보기 [공지/연구워크숍] How Do EHRs and a Meaningful Use Initiative Affect Breaches of Patient Information [세미나] Human AI Interaction: Application of the Human Interactivity Model to AI Voice Assistants (AIVAs) <연구 세미나> 5월 17일 (월) Theorizing Routines with Computational Sequence Analysis: A Critical Realism Framework
[세미나] Human AI Interaction: Application of the Human Interactivity Model to AI Voice Assistants (AIVAs)
<연구 세미나> 5월 17일 (월) Theorizing Routines with Computational Sequence Analysis: A Critical Realism Framework