• 2019-08-31

제목: 개인정보 유출통지 정당성과 인지된 보안수준이 개인의 심리적 반응에 미치는 영향: 다중이론적 접근

요약: Mobile messenger applications have become part of our daily life because smartphones represent our primary communication devices. People use messaging applications to communicate with friends more frequently than telephone calls. In addition, mobile messaging is also used for business communication. Based on media and behavioral characteristics, which affect social intimacy and fatigue, this study investigates why people communicate using mobile messaging. Based on media and communication theories, we compare and analyze phenomena associated with mobile messaging usage relative to the personal and business use contexts. We expect the results of this study will contribute to better understanding of mobile message communication in diverse environments.

주제어: A Service Recovery Perspective, Justice Theory, Psychological Contract Theory, Personal Data Breach Accident, Personal Data Breach Notification

출처: 김기윤, 김범수, 구윤모 (2019). 개인정보 유출통지 정당성과 인지된 보안수준이 개인의 심리적 반응에 미치는 영향: 다중이론적 접근. 인터넷전자상거래연구, 제19권 4호